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“Fun, friendship and fellowship”
All members and prospective members are welcome to join in the fun at Fingal Bay Bowling Club, 100 Rocky Point Road, Fingal Bay. Fun mixed bowls will be held every second Wednesday of the month in 2020.

John Wood-Pidge is organising the fun mixed bowls in 2020 - all good fun for all levels. Dodgy advice even if you don’t want it .... and sledging a-plenty among the gun players just getting-in practice for their real bowls days.
Great weather and a good attendance at the Social Bowls on Monday 24th February.

After several exciting ends, the bowlers enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Fingal Bay Sports Club Restaurant.

Well done, John Wood-Pidge, a wonderful morning's entertainment.
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The bowlers gather
for the first end
Now into the 3rd season with George organising a couple of teams to play in a choice of competitions around the district. The 2019 series was completed at Boolaroo on 21st October

Inter-club bowls has been severely interrupted by COVID.


Tournaments are beginning to return in 2022 but a complete schedule is not yet available


MIG Organiser George Hammond
plotting the next bowls team strategy
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East Maitland Bowling Club on 4th March
Mary, John, Margaret, David, Debbie and Cathy relax after the contest
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The indoor greens at East Maitland

Come along and meet us!


Probus Club of Port Stephens meets at 10:30am on the second Thursday of every month at the Nelson Bay Bowling and Recreation Club, Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 2315.


.... or for more information .... e-mail


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