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Ray Howitt runs the snooker secret men’s business on Tuesdays each week. There is a hotly contested annual competition followed by a presentation dinner for players and partners.

The snooker tables are at the Nelson Bay Seniors Community Hall, 6 Norburn Avenue, Nelson Bay. Play starts at 1pm but numbers are limited as there are only two tables.

The 2022 snooker competitions were eventually completed in March 2023.


MIG Leader for Snooker, Ray Howitt won the Singles Championship with John Townsend the runner-up.


This win also meant that Ray was awarded the coveted Most Improved Player.


Paul Beresford and Brian White won the Doubles Championship


Also recognised were Roy Gambell for Most In/Offs and Ron Gibson  for Least In/Offs.

Left to right: Paul Beresford, Ray Howitt, John Townsend, Roy Gambell and Ron Ginson
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