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The fishing group has resumed activity in July 2019 under the expert guidance of Tirrel Graham and Mike Warren. Three outings are planned in the latter half of the year and the Club's avid anglers will have the chance to cast their lines into the crystal blue waters around Port Stephens.
Mitsu & Moto Utashiro

Members Mitsu & Moto have had to stay in Tokyo due to the COVID-19 crisis and are not sure when they will be able to return to the Bay.
They have sent their regards to all their friends at Probus and keen fisherman, Mitsu, has provided this picture of him fishing from the Shoal Bay Wharf - he wishes he was here!!
Mitsu at Shoal Bay

Soldiers Point Marina
2nd September


After several days of rain, Monday 2nd September dawned bright and clear - perfect for taking a boat from Soldiers Point Marina onto Port Stephens Bay.

10 intrepid members boarded the boat and enjoyed a great day on the water - fishing, drinking, chatting. Could not be better!!

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The group ready to board the boat
Will we find our way with Mike at the helm?
Out on the water - fish look out
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Come along and meet us!


Probus Club of Port Stephens meets at 10:30am on the second Thursday of every month at the Nelson Bay Bowling and Recreation Club, Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 2315.


.... or for more information .... e-mail


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